This Easter, we invite you to join us for a Good Friday Worship Night, a fun Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday morning, and Easter service on Sunday. Bring a friend and experience the hope and joy of Jesus!
Join us on March 29th at 6PM in the sanctuary for a Good Friday Service! This service will focus on Jesus Christ's death on the cross and the price He paid to save us from sin. This service will be led by the Briarlake Choir, Orchestra, and Praise Band. Childcare will be provided for babies through 1st grade.
Kids ages birth - 5th grade are invited to an egg hunt in a safe, family-friendly environment. Children will be divided into groups by age to hunt eggs around the church campus. Join us at the Briarlake Gym at 10 AM for our easter egg hunt!
Join the Briarlake Church family as we celebrate Christ's resurrection on the third day! Worship will be led by the Briarlake Choir, Orchestra, and Praise Band. Childcare will be provided for babies through 1st grade.