


The Great Commission commands us to "Go to all nations baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded." At Briarlake, we believe we are to be actively working toward fulfilling the Great Commission. In Acts 1:8 Jesus gave us not only the task, but the strategy to fulfill the task. We are to be deliberate witnesses as we go. Our Jerusalem is our community, our Judea becomes the rest of Georgia, our Samaria is the United States, and the ends of the earth includes every other country of the world.

Briarlake’s Missions Committee exists to encourage and provide multiple opportunities for members to go and share the Gospel with those locally and globally. There are many possibilities for individuals, families, and classes to get involved.

A portion of our giving supports the national and worldwide efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Georgia Baptist Convention, and the Gwinnett Metro Baptist Network.

For more information about our mission opportunities, contact Jim Hersh at 



These are a few organizations that Briarlake Church partners with to reach the community. Contact the organization directly to find out how to volunteer. 

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