March - May
WHERE: Briarlake Church Baseball Field
WHO: Kids, K - 6th Grade
Briarlake Baseball begins each March and runs through the middle of May. Registration for Baseball begins a couple of months before the season starts. The cost to play is $125 per player and a $25 fee per family. Uniforms and medals are included, and each season ends with a banquet to celebrate the season.
The first week of practice will be March 17th and games will begin on Saturday, March 22nd. Each team practices one day per week for an hour. K-1 and 2-3 play on Saturdays and 4-6 play on Thursday evenings.
Baseball registration has closed.
If you are still interested in signing up for baseball, please reach out to Jusdon Farmer.
Briarlake Church gathers together for life-changing worship, grows in relationships with God and others, and goes to our communities and world to share the good news of the gospel.